We train marine recreational providers, fisher associations, restaurants, and companies in Best Practices to safeguard our reef.

The Education and Community Outreach program aims to create awareness about the protection of coastal marine resources in Roatan, the largest island within the Bay Island National Marine Park (BINMP). To fulfill this goal, we promote conservation initiatives approaching the different groups that visit, live, and economically rely on the natural resources found at the marine protected area of Roatan. Throughout the year, this program achieves its purpose reaching out to students from all different educational levels, training adults working as marine recreational providers in issues of reef protection and good environmental practices, as well as groups of foreign students who learn about the BINMP and how they can be responsible visitors.
Companies trained
Beach cleanups

Students of all ages learn, know and explore the different ecosystems and conservation objects of the marine park, make visits to the Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences, reef tours in the glass bottom boat, guided snorkeling tours with a fish and coral ID training, wildlife protection centers, botanical gardens among others. We host a series of events, campaigns, competitions, and develop institutional microprojects. The pilot school project “Green School, Blue Future” includes an environmental curriculum within two schools that aspire to become eco-schools role models.
The Mangrove Nursery is a project implemented with high school students learning from the nursery installation, propagules/seeds collection and planting, and mangrove seedlings out-planting. Last year, we designed an Environmental and Community program on the east side of Roatan, Camp Bay community entitled “My island My Treasure My Future” to raise pride and awareness in young reef protectors. Every year we conduct “Sea Turtle Camp” and "Ocean Guardian Kids Camp" where more than 150+ students are instructed in marine conservation.

The dive operators and staff receive training in the knowledge of BINMP, Honduran Diving standards and Voluntary standards in the Mesoamerican Reef.

We carry out conservation activities and campaigns, celebrations of environmental days (World Wetlands, Mesoamerican Reef and Oceans day, among others), and support for current island-wide initiatives such as beach, mangroves, reef cleanups, and waste management campaigns. Furthermore, we create awareness to empower communities in sea turtle conservation.