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Cindy vs. the Lionfish (1).jpg



Known for their show-stopping appearance, venomous spines, and damage to local reefs, invasive lionfish are the first non-native marine fish to become established in the Atlantic. Lionfish pose a significant threat to local marine ecosystems due to widespread predation of native species, prolific reproduction, and lack of controlling predators. However, here in the Bay Islands, we have taken a proactive stance in removing this harmful species, and you can get licensed as a snorkeler or diver to join in the hunt. 


Our workshop takes place twice a week on Monday and Wednesday at 4:00 PM at our office in Half Moon Bay, West End. Weather conditions must be tolerable for diving and snorkeling, and a minimum of 3 people must be signed up. We are happy to accommodate any special requests for groups of four or more who prefer a different location, date, or time.
It is mandatory to watch our informational video before attending the workshop, and you must also bring your own BCD and regulators (we can provide tanks and weights) as you will be getting in the water and demonstrating buoyancy. The workshop costs $70.00 a person with a spear and licenses included ($10 discount if you have the current RMP bracelet or token). After passing our workshop, you will be given your license and spear to begin catching lionfish. Happy hunting!


Please get in touch with us at, our Facebook page, or stop by our office to confirm that the course is taking place.

Please Watch our Informational Video Prior to Attending our Workshop

Lionfish hunters certified




Don’t let your Lionfish license expire, renew it online and keep on helping the reef by controlling this invasive species.

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